Help Your Child Know Their Emotions

Help Your Child Know Their Emotions

These are some of the basic emotions humans experience, but within these emotions, there are many more. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Happiness in children is noticeable when we see them laugh, jump, run, and often sing.

Surprise in children is noticeable when they appear insecure, and it can be mixed with fear, anger, or happiness.

Fear in children is noticeable when we see them anguished and distrustful.

Anger in children is noticeable when we see them upset, furious, or agitated.

Disgust in children is noticeable when they feel anxious, repelled by everything, and express the need to flee.

Sadness in children is noticeable when they seem melancholic, disappointed, or filled with remorse.

You can start by downloading emotion stickers for your children and placing them somewhere accessible. Every day when you notice they are happy, sad, angry, etc., ask them, “What emotion do you feel?” and let them choose the emotion.

This practice will help your child identify and verbalize their feelings. Verbalizing our emotions makes us feel validated—it reassures us that it’s okay to feel the way we do. Identifying emotions also helps regulate the body and relax it.

I’m also leaving a calendar of emotions here, so you always have it handy:

I hope this helps you.
With love,

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Total Views: 195Daily Views: 3By Published On: October 12, 2024Last Updated: October 12, 2024Tags: , , Categories: Article, Child Development, Parenting Tips
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  1. admin October 20, 2024 at 5:24 pm


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